10 Ways to Create a Bathroom That Feels Like a Luxury Spa Resort Designed by a Pro
Bathroom with freestanding bathtub, a wall of windows that show a large wall covered in ivy, a decorative wooden stool with bath necessities on it and a basket full of rolled towels
Do you love that feeling of Aww, OM, or Wow when you walk into a luxury resort? Even better, the spa at the luxury resort. The designers of these luxury resorts and spas have designed everything down to the tiniest detail to leave visitors with the feeling that they have arrived at a type of heaven on earth. With the sound of peaceful music and the smell of aromatherapy therapy, everything is clean, new looking, and beautiful. Designers are trained to activate all the senses so stress begins to melt away.
Many of us leave with the intention of going home and trying to imitate this feeling in our homes. However, after we travel, unpack, do laundry, and get back to our routine, the intention of creating a luxury retreat within our home becomes overwhelming. We quickly realize luxury spa resorts feel this way because they’re never cluttered and professionals have created a work of art that seems difficult to match.
Luxury pro organizer style rolled towels in a basket displayed on a modern bathroom floating vanity and a towel stand with towels folded on it
Being a Luxury Pro Organizer, I am here to make my clients feel they live in a luxury resort all the time.
Here are my 10 ways to create a bathroom to feel like a luxury spa resort.
1~ Clean out all cabinets and drawers
Sort through items and create categories. Label large containers or use index cards and place them in a large area to create groupings.
Haircare, Skincare, Makeup, Nailcare, Hands, Feet, Ears, Eyes, Bath, Shower, Towels, Linens, Prescriptions, Cold and Flu, First Aid, Supplements, Hygiene, Shaving, Soap, Perfume/Cologne, Tissue, Toilet Paper, Cleaning Supplies, Treasured Memory Items, Give/Place in Other Room, Expired/Trash, etc.
Make sure to trash everything that has expired or that will never be used again. If it’s a treasured memory it can be placed to the side to see if there is a place to display it once everything else is completed.
Next, take each category and sort by how often the item is used. Is it used daily, weekly, monthly, or occasionally?
Everything used daily needs to be either displayed as a group for daily use or placed in a nearby drawer, container, or cabinet as a group.
Assign a new place for items that do not belong in the bathroom. You will feel best if you can eliminate items so you are not just repositioning your clutter. The feeling of luxury comes when there is less clutter.
Vacuum, wipe down, and use liners in the drawers and cabinets before placing items back in them.
As items are placed back in the drawers and cabinets, it’s important to REMEMBER that feeling of walking into a luxury spa. The feeling of less stress because there is no clutter. Ideally, only the items truly needed and used often should be placed in easily accessible areas. Items that are not used often should be on the top shelves, under the cabinets, or placed in a different room so they’re not in the way of the items used daily and weekly.
Bathroom items being organized into an acrylic container that has sections
2~ Clean the sink, vanity, mirror, toilet, bathtub, shower, baseboards, and floors
A luxury spa bathroom is clean and fresh. A deep clean is a must.
To make sure the bathroom remains clean and organized throughout the week I advise clients to:
· Have a laundry basket to place clothes in it before a bath/shower
· Have a pretty hook next to the bath/shower
· Hang towels on the hook immediately after the bath/shower
· Have a hand towel near the vanity and sink to wipe dry immediately after use to remove water spots, soap, and toothpaste residue
· Immediately place items back in their assigned area according to the category
· Place a few drops of aromatherapy in the bath/shower before and after used
· Place aromatherapy in your sink drain and toilet tank
· Empty the trash and do laundry once a week
· Use scents you truly love in your wash, either with laundry scent boosters, dryer sheets, or a laundry soap with fragrance
· Wipe the toilet seat once a week with sanitizer. I have a pack of Lysol wipes in the cabinet above my toilet
· Sweep, vacuum, or mop floors, dust, and clean sinks, toilet, shower, and tub every two or three weeks. Be sure to clean the base of the toilet and walls around the toilet
3~ Select a new bathroom paint color, towels, and/or bath mat
Bathrooms are usually smaller rooms and can be painted in an hour or two if cabinets and drawers are not painted. Take note of luxury spa colors. Many times, they are relaxing, cool colors. A lot of times spas layer in different textures using a monochromatic color scheme. The monochromatic color scheme is made up of different hues, shades, and textures of one color. Spas can also be designed in rich textures or themes. Examples: Mediterranean/European, Desert (Arizona, South African, Middle East, Moroccan), Mountain, Beach, Asian (Japanese, Chinese, India, Thai, Ayurvedic), Luxury, Wellness, Bootcamp, Relaxation spas are several options to consider. Everyone has a different vision of what their private spa will feel like.
A fresh bath mat and towels are an easy way to make the bathroom look luxurious. Shop for good-quality towels that are thick and feel soft. I have purchased several brands over the years. The brand isn’t as important as what they will look like after washing them over and over for a year or two. What I typically, look for is the ends of the towels and ask myself if the ends will draw in and begin to pucker. Those are the towels I try to avoid.
Freestanding bathtub in a very modern designed bathroom, display of decorative items to use in a bathroom to add different hues and textures, a bathroom organized and designed by luxury pro organizer
4~ Add a floral arrangement to your bathroom
A pop of color or items that layer in some texture is typical in luxury spas and are a nice way to accent a solid/monochromatic bathroom. This can be achieved by adding floral arrangements, orchids, well-groomed plants like a bonsai or fiddle fig tree, a vase of basic branches, or a twig of eucalyptus on rolled or folded towels.
Luxury pro organizer style bathroom décor, sink with a vase of bright fuchsia flowers, a plate of folded towels and a vase with sprigs on greenery, a black dish with delicate pink flowers in the dish with a white bar of soap
5~ Fold or roll the towels that are not being used
There are several ways to fold and hang towels so they look crisp and spa-like. There are many demonstrations on YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest. There are many ways to display towels. Place them in a pretty basket, or on a beautiful tray, small bench, ottoman, or beverage cart.
Three examples to demonstrate how to display folded and rolled towels in different style trays using different flowers like pink and white orchids, and a light pink rose
6~ Make a beautiful display of the items used daily
There are many ways to place daily essentials where they will be easy to access as well as look beautiful. Some ideas to consider: a luxurious-looking basket, make-up tray, a decorative mirrored tray, apothecary jars, or a cake pedestal that adds texture and lifts items to give a layered effect. Roll the washcloths and hand towels. Place a pretty stone, a single artificial orchid flower or a twig of eucalyptus on the washcloths and hand towels then place a candle with them to create a luxurious display.
Three examples to demonstrate how to create bathroom displays with apothecary jars, rolled towels displayed in baskets and next to rolled towels
7~ Display daily bath or shower items
Beginning artists are always required to draw and paint “still-lifes”. “Still life” is defined as a collection of objects arranged together in a specific way. Be creative and design a “still-life” grouping of the items used daily or weekly that is beautiful to see every day. This is a time to use the treasured memory items described in step 1. These items evoke a personal memory, an idea, or some sort of personal affirmation.
Five examples to demonstrate how to decorate a luxury home bathroom that feels like a spa resort
8~ Use candles, aroma therapy oils, diffusers, soap with fragrance, bath salts, etc.
Most people love the smell of luxurious hotel lobbies and while entering a spa before a delicious massage. Hotels and spas are not the only places that make us want to breathe in deeply to smell a fragrance. There are many businesses that understand the psychology of fragrance. Starbucks and Wholefoods have their scent created by experts. Many boutiques burn the candles they sell. There is an entire industry developing fragrances to convey an array of emotions and feelings including desire, power, energy, vitality, and relaxation. It is important to select a fragrance that will create the environment you wish for, whether it is to be more energized in the morning or to unwind and relax in the evening. Fragrance is personal. It can be added to bath salts and placed in a pretty bowl or sprinkled in the shower or bathtub while not being used so the scent can waft through the bathroom. There are many ways to make a scent long-lasting. It can be sprayed on rolled towels, a bathrobe, bathmat, or toilet paper, or add a few drops of essential oil to your laundry. Fragrance can also be poured into the toilet tank.
Six examples to decorate with bath salts
9~ Bathrobe and slippers
Most luxury resorts and spas provide snuggly robes and slippers. At home, we can have the exact size and fabric that feels luxurious. Keep bathrobes and slippers handy. Hang them on a hook near the tub and shower or on the back of the bathroom door. Fold the robe and place it on a bench, ottoman, or beverage cart and stage the slippers nearby. We never know when we may need to slip out of the bathroom to grab an additional article of clothing, retrieve our phones or a family member needs immediate assistance. If you do not use a robe and slippers often seeing it displayed does create the feeling of luxury. Of course, it depends on how large your bathroom is.
Three examples to demonstrate decorating a bathroom with bathrobes
10~ The sound of music
Luxury resort designers understand the power of sound. When you walk into the lobby, spa, or pool area there’s always music playing that evokes emotion depending on the theme they have designed.
Now that the tiniest details have been completed, walking into your bathroom will create your very own Aww, OM, or wow feeling. Some do not have the time or the desire to DIY. Hiring a professional organizer with experience in decorating allows you to place your energy elsewhere. I can help you create your slice of heaven on earth in your bathroom or throughout your entire home. It is my priority to make sure my clients feel as though they live in a customized luxury resort. I am a certified Feng Shui consultant and understand how to create beautiful and functional spaces. I also offer follow-up maintenance services since we all know over time; things can get out of sorts and clutter can slowly start creeping back. We offer clients peace of mind by revisiting weekly, monthly, seasonally, or annually.
Founded by Carol Appelbaum, Luxury Pro Organizer originated from Carol’s passion as a professional organizer for sharing tried-and-true solutions and strategies that simplified her hectic life and gave her the inspiration to turn her years of experience into luxury for others. During home and business organization projects, Carol infuses her interior décor styling along with her Feng Shui training to make every space look and feel glamorous.
Luxury Pro Organizer will help you create and maintain your beautiful environment. We also train housekeepers or nannies.
Visit the www.LuxuryProOrganizer.com website to learn more and schedule your free consultation.
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